When visitors come to Valley View, most are surprised to learn that we operate entirely "off-grid". All the heat and electricity they enjoy is generated here, onsite and with little environmental impact. Without realizing it, guests soak in and camp along the flowing, warm water that produces our power. It's just one of the many ways OLT connects people to our natural world.
Our flow of water varies constantly as do our demands for geothermal and hydroelectric power. Whenever our supply of power exceeds our needs, the excess energy adds heat to the Apple Tree pools. Over the last year, we've seen the Apple Tree pool temperatures stabilize with each system improvement and conservation effort. And, despite the drought, occasional rain and snow sometimes graces our system, bringing even more energy and heat.
Relying on any natural system, small or large, requires careful management. We're using The Energy Detective, "TED" to help us monitor and manage our energy. "TED" is an innovative tool which allows us to track how much energy is generated, and where exactly it is used. By accounting for our energy each night, week, and season, the TED Pro unit is helping us identify specific problems, schedule usage, and plan ahead... ultimately keeping us all as warm and cozy as possible, all year round. Best of all, this educational tool will inform us about our personal impact on these remarkable and limited resources.
OLT would like to thank The Energy Detective, Inc. for supporting us with their technology and donation. We encourage everyone to consider using these great, inexpensive conservation tools at their own homes and businesses. Together, we can save and share our world.
— Doug Bates, Information Systems